Restoration and Plant Materials
Identify high use monarch habitats and enhance restoration activities in and around these areas. Assess restoration approaches in order to inform best management practices.
Create a list of vendors (plants and seeds) for monarch and other pollinator species for AZ and connect stakeholders with this resource to “promote the use and availability of local native plants and seeds for habitat enhancement and restoration projects, particularly for monarch conservation efforts” (WAFWA Strategy NL-S4), to “promote the use of regionally-appropriate native milkweeds, forbs, grasses, and other native plant materials for habitat restoration and other vegetation management actions within ROWs” (WAFWA Strategy ROW-S3), and to “target outreach and education to municipalities, local land use agencies, landscape businesses, and private landowners within historic breeding range regarding the simplest and best ways to incorporate pollinator habitat in their activities” (WAFWA UID-S2).
Create a statewide map of existing monarch/pollinator restoration project sites and a form to collect data from sites to “evaluate habitat restoration projects, techniques, successes, and failures to adaptively manage monarch and pollinator projects” (WAFWA Strategy M-S2).
Develop techniques and protocols to increase seed availability and improve restoration efforts to “promote the use and availability of local native plants and seeds for habitat enhancement and restoration projects, particularly for monarch conservation efforts” (WAFWA Strategy NL-S4), to “promote the use of regionally-appropriate native milkweeds, forbs, grasses, and other native plant materials for habitat restoration and other vegetation management actions within ROWs” (WAFWA Strategy ROW-S3), and to “target outreach and education to municipalities, local land use agencies, landscape businesses, and private landowners within historic breeding range regarding the simplest and best ways to incorporate pollinator habitat in their activities” (WAFWA UID-S2).
Committee Leadership
Upcoming Meetings
Teleconference: TBD. Contact Natalie Melkonoff or Ron Day for details.