Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Arizona

Click on the tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet to explore Arizona-specific information on best management practices and monarch conservation on working lands.

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  • Each tab focuses on a separate topic; the references are on the last tab and listed below the table.

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AZ BMP notes

Define State Regions

Flowering Dates




Flowering Dates

Plant Material




Links to References in BMP Summary

1 ADOT - Roadside Vegetation Management Guidelines

2 Xerces - Managing for Monarchs in the West

3 Xerces - Western Monarch Management Windows

4 Xerces - A Quick Guide to Monarch Habitat on Farms in California's Central Valley

5 MJV webpage with agriculture resources

6 Pollinator Partnership - Managing Public Lands for Pollinators

7 Pollinator Friendly BMPs for Federal Lands

8 Supporting the Health of Honey Bees and Other Pollinators

9 USDA - Patterns of Pesticide Use, Exposure, and Toxicity Jointly Determine Impacts on Honeybees and Other Pollinators

10 NRCS - Pollinator Plants in the Desert Southwest

11 AZ Dept of Ag - Arizona Management Plan for the Protection of Pollinators

12 Xerces - BMPs for Pollinators on Western Rangelands

13 Southwest Monarch Study website

14 WAFWA plan and website

15 Xerces - Milkweed Seed Finder

16 Xerces - Monarch Nectar Plants Southwest

17 Southwest Monarch Study monarch peak migration

18 USDA Research on milkweed poisoning of livestock

19 Pollinator Herbicide Practices presentation (ROW as Habitat Working Group)

20 EPRI Conservation Actions for Electric Power Companies to Support Monarch Butterflies

21 ADOT Seeding Practices for Sustainable Revegetation and Erosion Control

22 North Carolina Technical Guidance for Native Plantings on Solar Sites

23 Roadside Revegetation: An Integrated Approach to Establishing Native Plants and Pollinator Habitat

24 NRCS Tech note on preventing negative impacts of pesticides on pollinators

25 ADOT - Sample seeding specification

26 WAFWA - Monarch Butterfly Crucial Habitat Assessment Tool (CHAT)